A Community Developer - 2020 Public Summary

    Throughout my time with FACTSnet, I have had the opportunity to work primarily on supporting other employees and various administrative tasks. My role as a mentor was mainly responsible for completing final checks on projects and supporting employees’ career and personal development during their time with FACTSnet. I have had the privilege of not only enriching my own personal and career learning through classroom assignments, but also assisting other staff in their learning as well. 

    A large portion of my time during my summer job was on COVID-19 and Leadership courses via Google classroom. I completed an array of assignments related to different areas of life regarding mental health, finding personal balance, communicating positively and effectively, as well as practicing goal planning. These two courses allowed me to build additional leadership skills and understand how I can implement the knowledge into practice as a teacher or into other careers. As a leader, we often referred back to our DISC personality report to aid in our career and personal development. The report provided me with valuable information regarding how my personality and leadership style operates when working with others. 

    Moreover, I invested a section of my time into creating the FACTSnet 15-30 University of Calgary network. I had the opportunity to be the leader for the University of Calgary team and I worked closely with the IT group in order to create the blog. Each staff was responsible for conducting a web review for the faculty they are currently in. Thus, I was responsible for completing a comprehensive U of C Education Web Review for the University of Calgary. Furthermore, I completed another web review of the accessibility services for students with disabilities. This web review has been completed and passed on to the next team leader to be edited and published on the blog. 

    Finally, towards the end of my summer position, I transitioned important information over to other employees who will be taking over my tasks. We had meetings to ensure duties were transitioned off smoothly and that tasks were clear for the new leaders. From this type of work, I gained experience in working collaboratively and had the opportunity to utilize the knowledge and skills from the three courses to communicate effectively with others. 

    Overall, I gained very valuable experience working with FACTSnet and I am greatly grateful for that.

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